Pryazovskyi economic herald – electronic scientific journal, founded in 2017 by the Classic Private University.
The journal covers current issues of economic theory and history of economic thought; world economy and international economic relations; economics and enterprise management; innovation and investment activities; accounting, analysis, and audit; finance and tax policy; mathematical methods and information technologies in economics; modern management and other branches of economic science.
Registration of online-media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 2420 as of 25.07.2024.
Media ID: R40-04528
ISSN (Online): 2522-4263
Periodicity: 6 times a year.
Professional registration: Decree of the MES of Ukraine on 10 May 2017 № 693
Professional registration (category B): Decree of the MES of Ukraine on 17 March 2020 № 409 (Annex 1)
Majors: 051 Economics; 071 Accounting and Taxation; 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market; 073 Management; 075 Marketing; 076 Business and Trade; 292 International Economic Relations.
Index Copernicus: Indexed in the ICI Journal Master List
Placing on the website of V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine: Pryazovskyi economic herald
The purpose of the electronic scientific journal «Pryazovskyi economic herald» is to publish the results of scientific researches in various fields of economic studies by means of free access to the publications of researchers.
The scientific journal contains articles with summarized results of scientific researches of the workers of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, academic and branch scientific organizations, leading enterprises of key industries of the country, employees of international state and regional organizations, government institutions dealing with development of theoretical and practical aspects of economics and intellectual property rights. The collection is intended for scientists, specialists, who study and investigate the economic processes, lecturers, postgraduate students, students.
The purpose specifies the main objectives:
- to promote the creation of open information space for providing the interaction of leading specialists and young researchers in the branch of economic activity;
- to activate the development of the international community of specialists in the field of theory and practice of the economic studies;
- to reduce the time taken to publish the relevant materials on economic subjects;
- to provide easy and instant access to information materials on the theory and practice of economic science.
Thematic sections of the scientific and practical journal:
1. Economics.
2. Accounting and Taxation.
3. Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market.
4. Management.
5. Marketing.
6. Business and Trade.
7. International Economic Relations.